Kneeling Carabao Festival

Kneeling Carabao Festival

Kneeling Carabao Festival is a unique festival held in the municipality of Pulilan, Bulacan every 14th of May. Even nearby provinces participate in this two-day celebration to join with the parade of beautifully decorated carts.

The carabaos are being trained since childhood by their owners using hand gestures to kneel. One thing I saw making the carabaos kneel is when the owner holds the nape of the carabao. These owners make the carabaos kneel in front of the San Isidro Labrador Parish Church as a sign of thanksgiving and honor to the patron of the farmers for a bounteous harvest.

On the parade are marching bands and majorettes of all over the town, in full costumes and gears under the extreme heat of the sun. These bands are performing in front of the church giving countless smiles and joys to the thousand audiences of the parade.

The Kneeling Carabao Festival is held every 14th of May with the parade of colorful carts starting at 2 in the afternoon. The festival looks grand and well planned off.