
Pulilan boasts having a total of six museums featuring the masterpieces of   several renowned Pulileño artists as well as numerous artifacts and priceless collections from varying periods. For this reason, the Town is now pushing to be recognized as the Museum Capital of the Province of Bulacan

MuseodeSanYsidro DollDoiramaMuseumButterflyHaven CasaFranciscoDiegoPaintings MuseodePulilan
Museo de San Ysidro

Doll Doirama Museum – Butterfly Haven

Casa Francisco – Diego Paintings Museo de Pulilan
Volkswagen-Collectible-Museums Cafe-Pulilan-Art-Gallery Cassanova-Aguirre-House Casa-Balbina
Volkswagen Collectible Museums Café Pulilan Art Gallery Cassanova Aguirre House Casa Balbina